Thursday, October 23, 2014

Educational Technology

Globalization has managed to take over every single field and education is not the exception. Nowadays, different types of technology are being used around the world to help students learn. However, there are still questions that need to be cleared up, for instance what does technology integration imply? What are the most suitable technological resources to be used? Are these resources available or not? How do we (teachers) create virtual environments? To what extent can blended learning (b-learning, e-learning) help students develop different skills?

These are the questions that I am looking forward to answering with your support. Pick one question and post a comment on it. I will be, at the end of each week, collecting and summarizing your responses. Hopefully, we will build up on the scarce knowledge on this topic towards improving the learning process of our students at our institutions…


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  2. To what extent can blended learning (b-learning, e-learning) help students develop different skills?

    Respondiendo a tu pregunta, tendríamos que partir a que nivel aplicaríamos esta combinación de aprendizaje en línea y semi presencial, (secundaria , tercer o cuarto nivel), en todo caso por la experiencia de haber participado en estudios tanto b-learning como e-learning, te puedo decir que el e-learning, me ha enseñado a ser independiente y más investigador en el aprendizaje siempre buscando diferentes fuentes bibliográficas en línea en el desarrollo de las tareas, pero no tenemos que olvidar que la guía, experiencia y profesionalismo del profesor en el aula ha sido en todo momento una seguridad en el proceso de la enseñanza - aprendizaje

  3. What are the most suitable technological resources to be used?
    In our University, for example, we use the moodle platform, and provide our students some extra practice that support their learning and complement the course such as class content, tests, homework, grades, assessments, academic or website links. I think it is also a social space where students and teachers can interact through forums or chats, as well as collaborate with each other, answer questions, or pose questions. They can also send messages, or answer questions given by the teacher or students.
    This is a very good tool because students can take their learning process anywhere and anytime in order to better fit their schedules and their learning styles.

  4. What are the most suitable technological resources to be used?
    Estoy de acuerdo con Juanita totalmente en que uno de los mejores recursos para la enseñanza es el uso de la plataforma Moodle. Este recurso permite no solamente un aprendizaje autónomo sino que basa su aplicación y estructura en el constructivismo social permitiendo un aprendizaje cooperative y complementando el estudio en el aula. Además, de que provee de varios recursos y actividades para una enseñanza aprendizaje más dinámico, participativo y organizado.
    Veronica Leon

  5. How do we teachers create a virtual environment? Working with technology is not an easy task, especially for teachers who have never used it before and don't even want to think about new ways of teaching. That is why I think know training is important because teachers would not be able to use something they do not know. Once teachers know what to do and how to do it, they will be able to create their own virtual environments

  6. What are the most suitable technological resources to be used? I believe that the most suitable resources depends on the country and education system you are in. In developed countries it 's easier for schools and students to have access to tablets and smart phones or other technological devices, where as in third world countries most of the population have less access to these types of devices. So this is why teachers and students must adapt to devices that they are capable of acquiring and make the most of it.

  7. What are the most suitable technological resources to be used?
    It is difficult to just list the resources that could be best used. I think the resources to be used should be the ones that students are more familiar with and the resources that teachers feel comfortable working with as well. There are many resources and because I’ve used the moodle platform doesn’t mean it is the most suitable one. It has worked well so far. In addition, those resources are expected to help the students to be autonomous learners and enjoy the journey as much as possible. I’ve used the platform, skype, and google hangouts; however, there are many more that I’m not prepared or trained to use.
    I think it is about pushing the students beyond their comfort zone but not about making them feel distressed.

  8. What are the most suitable technological resources to be used?

    The suitability of technological resources depends on the students' context, requirements, and learning objectives. Consequently, educators need to be well trained in the use of a vast number of technological resources, and part of their training must include learning experiences where they use those resources. Once educators are well trained in the use of technological resources they will be able to make sound decisions on the ones that are the most beneficial to their students. Currently, I am taking an online course, and I am using the learning platform. This resource allows my instructor to use many different tools to help students learn in meaningful ways.
    Ana Loja

  9. What are the most suitable technological resources to be used?
    I would add that this depends on the purpose of the class. In a language class, for example, any resource that provides with a lot of input (readings, conversations, etc.) and feedback will be very beneficial for students. Resources that proivide opportunities for communication will be necessary as well. From a broader perspective, as educators, I would think that any resource that enables students to become more autonomous will be appropriate.

  10. Guille, dando respuesta a la pregunta: What are The most suitable technological resources to be used?. Son aquellos recursos que permitan una interacción alumno-docente. Las herramientas de autor, permiten al docente crear su propio material educativo, incluyendo espacios para evaluación y retroalimentación en el proceso de aprendizaje. Permiten además, la integración de elementos multimedia como recursos educativos.

  11. Quite a detailed! i should update mine..

  12. Incluir tecnología dentro de los procesos de enseñanza y aprendizaje, requiere por un lado, de las habilidades y conocimiento sobre su aplicación por parte de los docentes y por otro lado, de la madurez "tecnológica" de los estudiantes para utilizarlos como insumos en el aprendizaje.

    Creo que un error común es propiciar el uso de tecnologías simplemente para hacer transmisión de conocimientos, sin embargo, la asimilación que es lo más importante, debe cuidarse en estos ambientes virtuales de aprendizaje, puesto que el feedback dado, debe garantizar el éxito del proceso de aprendizaje en los estudiantes.

    La tecnología y las pedagogías no pueden separarse.!!

  13. The use of technology in the classroom is a MUST nowadays. Our students were born into a world where everything moves around technology and for them it is something very natural. However, not all teachers are familiarized with these tools and that is why training is very important. Personally I am not very good with technology but it is a challenge that I’m willing to take. I really enjoyed the video and I will try building my own story. I’ll let you know how it goes!!!!
    Diana Lee

  14. To what extent can blended learning (b-learning, e-learning) help students develop different skills?

    I think that b-learning can help students to be independent learners only when it is well guided by an experienced teacher who monitors the whole process and gives feedback all the time. Otherwise it might be a waste of time.
    Monica Abad
