Wednesday, November 5, 2014

First Educational Tutorial

There are different ways we can deliver academic contents to both students and colleagues, for instance attending workshops, watching tutorial clips, among others. 

The website StoryBird lets anyone make visual stories in seconds. It has inspired writers of any age to turn images into fresh stories. It's a simple idea that has attracted millions of writers, readers, artists, families and friends, teachers and students, and amateurs and professionals, who have also created more than 5 million stories. 

Try out this tutorial and please post your reactions and mention whether or not you could create your account. The video itself is my first tutorial clip creation. There are more tutorials and knowledge clips to come. 


  1. Nowadays, we can find many video tutorials to guide us through doing something new, and talking about EFL classes there are also many clips to be used. StoryBird, as you mentioned, is a fun way to turn images into stories.
    In my opinion, you created a useful video tutorial because it provides visuals and guides us step by step to create an account in the website. It was not complicated to follow and you showed us in a simple and easy way how to get there. StoryBird is a really nice tool, and I am sure my students will enjoy it.
    Good job!!

  2. I think is awesome. It can have different uses. For example: explanatory videos could be used to spread reasearch. It is hard to find a good video or website where English teachers can have access to valuable information that they could apply in their classrooms. If we want to see changes I think that spreading the discoveries of reasearch is key. Explanatory videos have a great potential for that and much more. We could discuss this and have different creative ideas on how to use those videos in the field of Education. As in the books you gave me, those videos may have a great potential in the coming years. It is very related with that genius webpage KhanAcademy. They teach through videos. Now Imagine integrating those kind of videos, videoconferencing and communities for practice. That online school will be very personlized. I think one disadvantage is that making such videos is time consuming for teachers. Then, it arises the question: If teachers don't make them, then Who?

  3. I think it was a good creation. I was able to follow the instructions and actually created my own account and story. I had a lot of fun! The visuals and the steps provided allowed me to come up with the product. It is definitely a great tool for teachers.

  4. This is such an excellent tool. Students are very creative, and with the help of the teacher they might be able to create wonderful stories and learn English at the same time. Of course, teachers have to guide their students before applying this tool.

  5. This video tutorial was really useful. I opened a new account because I had already have one. Indeed, I could open a new one without any problem as I could follow it step by step. The illustrations in the tutorial are really funny and the animations too. Moreover, the instructions are very clear. I think these kinds of tutorials with steps to be followed and these animations would be a great contribution especiallay for teachers and students who are learning a foreign language as they are easy to be followed and in a short time, which is a factor that must be considered when performing these tutorials as what people try to spend not much time when learning to do something via online.

    Veronica Leon

  6. Sorry, I couldn´t edit the last expression I wrote. "people try to avoid spending too much time when they learn to do something via online".
