Monday, November 17, 2014

Fourth Educational Tutorial - Teaching resources

Nowadays, there are plenty of open sources available on the web than can make your daily planning easy and more effective. Busy teacher is a massive repository of teaching activities which is shared all over the world. This time, I will be explaining two basic procedures such as how to use it and how to save documents.

I would like you to start trying it and I would also like to hear your comments on whether it has helped or has not.

Good luck on this new task.


  1. El uso de esta página web fue fascinante! Siempre que he necesitado material para enseñar inglés ya sea la parte funcional o estructural lo he tenido que buscar en Google o en otros sitios y me ha llevado mucho tiempo hacerlo. Este tutorial me fue de suma ayuda porque todos los pasos fueron claros y precisos. Además, la velocidad con los que se los indica es correcta permitiendo asimilar como buscar y guardar información. Me parece un tutorial muy útil especialmente para los docentes que no han estado en contacto directo con los nuevos recursos tecnológicos para la enseñanza de un idioma extranjero ya que sin necesidad de buscar tanto lo tienen todo en esta página web listo para usarse!
    Verónica León

  2. The tutorial was very useful and clear, soI was able to follow the steps. As you mentioned, this website has a lot of activities and of course, this website will save time to do other activities that as teachers we have to do. Thanks Guille!

  3. Thanks Guillermo! I didn´t know anything about this website. I only used to get some educational worksheets, but busyteacher looks like a better website for that purpose. I also think that the the tutorial is really clear and easy to follow; again.. thanks!

  4. Guillermo, Thanks for sharing this great material with us. Busyteacher is an essential resource for ESL teachers. I usually spend lots of time searching for things and activities to use in my class. I didn’t know there was so much available in just one place.
