Thursday, November 6, 2014

Second Educational Tutorial

Creating new instructional material may seem as a very difficult  endeavor. However, being motivated and committed can make it a very rewarding and enriching one. As we have already created an account on StoryBird, it is time to move on and learn how to use it. Please post your comments and feedback.


  1. Thanks for sharing! I really like to use StoryBird. I first used it when I was working with children. They loved it. I loved it too because I had the opportunity to use my creativity so as to motivate them. It takes time to create a story the first time you use it, it´s true, but after a couple of stories, you get used to it. I think it´s a great tool we could use with our students at the university in order to improve their reading and writing skills. I highly recommend it.

  2. Great Guillermo, thanks for sharing this wonderful tool. I haven´t used this with my students yet, but with your help I will start to do this.

  3. Thank you Guillermo, I enjoyed your tutorial and learned a new strategy to help my students learn to start writing in a nice and fun way. Now, it's our turn as teachers to start using it in our classes, so our students can create more great stories. This tutorial was very useful, and makes storybird look very user friendly and motivational.

  4. This was a nice experience to use storybird again! In fact, you taught me how to use it a time ago. My students really enjoyed to create their own stories. For me, it was at first kind of difficult to create my own ones, but then it became fascinating. At the beginning, it took me time to create a story, but as time went by it became easier because of the variety of illustration which permits me to be a more motivated writer. Thank you Guille for sharing with us all of your tutorials. They are really nice!
    I have only one recommendation. I don´t know if it is a problem in my computer or not, but sometimes the volume is not loud enough, and I can´t hear your voice very well. However, the illustrations help me to follow what you are saying.
    Thank you again!
    Veronica Leon
